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Last Updated on 5 months by Ecem Ertürk
Digital marketing is one of the biggest factors that highlight a product or service. The stronger your strategy, the longer it is to announce your name and stay in the industry. Keyword mapping is one of the strategies that allow you to stand out from competitors in digital marketing. This strategy basically involves optimizing your website. Keyword research consists of processes such as categorizing these words and using them meaningfully in your content. It is a very effective method when done right. Many SEO agencies use this strategy to improve search engine visibility, increase visitor traffic, get higher conversion rates, and monitor performance.

What Is Keyword Mapping?

What Is Keyword Mapping

Keyword mapping is one of the strategies used for SEO. In this strategy, target keywords are researched and categorized. These target keywords are placed in the categories to which they are relevant in a meaningful way. In this way, authors develop and optimize the content they create in these words. It is important to match each keyword with the page it relates to for content marketing. In this way, the website can attract more visitors. Accurate planning with Keyword mapping can put you at the top of Google. If the word a person is looking for is the corresponding page where you place the keyword is well compatible, you will be ranked higher and you will get more clicks.

Benefits of Keyword Mapping

The fact that content agencies and businesses make effective content marketing and increase brand awareness depends on the strategies they follow. Keyword mapping is very important as it is one of the strategies that will highlight your business. When you use keywords meaningfully in the content you create, search engines understand the scope of the content and take it to the top of the relevant users. Taking the top positions in search engines is an effective way to bring you the audience you aim for. In this way, it is possible to reach the customer audience you target. It is also possible to gain superiority over your competitors with keyword mapping. In addition, keyword mapping gives you everything content should have. Content planning is much faster and well-planned, as it remains only to fill the gaps.

Keyword Mapping Tools

To implement this strategy, you must first use effective keyword mapping tools. There are many paid and free tools for keyword research. It is recommended that you choose the best respondent to your expectations among these tools. These tools provide relevant keywords as well as information such as the purpose of the search, search volume, and level of competition. Among the most frequently preferred tools are Google Keyword Planner, a free tool, SEMrush where different SEO features can be used, and tools such as Google Trends, which are also preferred to see the popularity of search words. Paying attention to some details when using Keyword mapping tools can highlight you for SEO. For example, search purpose information is very important. When you know what the people looking for the relevant keyword want to search for, it is possible to create the content accordingly. In addition, it is always more useful to use the most overlapping and compatible with your website instead of using every keyword.

How To Do Keyword Mapping?

How To Do Keyword Mapping

There are some details to be considered to do the Keyword mapping correctly. The steps you need to take in order to increase visitor traffic and make your brand more visible are as follows;

1. Do keyword research

The first step of Keyword mapping is to do keyword research. You need to find a keyword in the area where your brand and website are relevant to keyword research. Other related keywords are created based on the word you choose. The seed keyword can be words that best describe your website and the service you provide or the product. Using tools like KWFinder to diversify this keyword is a good alternative. This type of keyword tool can generate hundreds of related keywords from a single keyword. During this research, you should try to choose the most relevant ones for your website among short-tailed and long-tailed keywords. You also need to do keyword research, taking into account details such as search volume, competition, and search purpose.

2. Categorize the keywords

Keyword mapping follows keyword research into categorizing these words. After listing the relevant words, the words are divided into groups according to their themes. In this way, keywords can be placed in the text in meaningful ways by configuring them. There is a group of closely related words that can be used under the same title. At this stage, the search purpose of the keyword should also be taken into account when grouping. Words sought for the same purpose can be grouped together. This grouping can also be done through the keyboard mapping tools you use. For example, SEMrush is an ideal tool for grouping. After logging into SEMrush, the keyword research module has an option called keyword groups. You can quickly create the word groups of interest by clicking the create new group button. In addition, you can add keywords to these groups manually via SEMrush. You can then create subcategories based on themes; you can move related keywords to these categories. SEMrush also allows these categories to be downloaded and shared. In this way, you can produce content by sharing it with your team based on the theme.

3. Create a keyword map

The plan about how to use the words you find in the content is also called a keyword map. Images or spreadsheets can be used to create this map. You can include information such as search volume of words, level of competition, search purpose, and lines that can be used to sort keywords. You can also add where to use the words you find as additional information. Specifying where to use it, such as text content or meta descriptions, allows you to create a more detailed and stronger map. If you want words to attract enough visitors, don’t add every keyword you find to your map. Choosing only related and useful words instead of all of them supports the natural standing of the text and attracts visitors.

4. Prepare potential URLs

Preparing URLs for the pages where you will use keywords is another step. In the URL you will prepare, you must use the focus keyword of that page and you should implement this separately for each web page. Now that you have set an SEO strategy, this word can also be a frequently sought but competitive word, or also the is a small word as a search volume. The web page you created the URL should contain meaningful and comprehensive content using keywords. This content should be the one that can answer questions asked by people, where keywords are significantly distributed to titles, subtitles, and text. This stage is the stage where keyword mapping comes to life.

5. Update the map regularly

The last step involves updating the map regularly. It is not enough to create content once according to the keywords; it should be updated from time to time. It is important that keyword mapping is up to date because the volume, trends, or level of competition of search words may have changed. It is important to attract visitors to check the keyword mapping with certain ranges and update the content according to the changes you will make here. In particular, the content agency regularly monitors keywords to keep visitor traffic intense. Updating Keyword mapping regularly makes it easy to get top positions and protect your search engines like Google.

Selen Cetin

Selen Cetin graduated from Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Linguistics. She has been working as an SEO Specialist at Cremicro since 2022.

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